Feeling Unsafe?

We are not cool with you or your loved ones feeling unsafe. We totally agree with the following statement from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights that:

“Marriage shall be entered into only with the free and full consent of the intending spouses”

It upsets us that you may be feeling pressured to marry someone against your will through physical, emotional, psychological of nancial abuse. Whether your family has set up a pro le without your consent or you feel trapped in a situation- rest assured, you have choice and control over your destiny.

Stand in your power.

Please contact the Customer Care Team and alert us at customercare@biyebiye.com so we can immediately deactivate the family pro le upon your request. If you are threatened with forced marriage, or are in a force marriage, we advise you to contact one of the following organisations for information, advice and guidance.

If you live in the UK

If you are at immediate risk, please call local emergency services (999)

The Forced Marriage Unit at the Foreign and Commonwealth O ce is the main source of advice about what to do if you are at risk of being forced into marriage, or you are concerned that someone else is in that situation, or if you want to leave a forced marriage. All caseworkers in the FMU have experience in dealing with the cultural, social and emotional issues surrounding forced marriage. They provide a helpline (Tel: 020 7008 0151) and you can also email them at fmu@fco.gov.uk. They also o er advice to concerned friends, relatives or professionals.

The Jan Trust runs a website called Against Forced Marriages https://jantrust.org/project/against-forced-marriages/ They have a free helpline: 0800 141 2994 which is open Mondays to Thursdays from 10.30am to 4.30pm. Their website has lots of useful information including a page of FAQ’s.

Women’s Aid were set up to stop domestic and sexual violence towards women, including forced marriage. They have a free 24 hour National Domestic Violence Helpline (0808 2000 247) and can put women who need to escape from a violent situation in touch with emergency refuge accommodation. Information includes advice about how to get help, personal safety and what to do to help a friend in danger of domestic violence. They also produce The Survivor’s Handbook which provides practical support and information for women experiencing domestic violence, with simple guidance on every aspect of seeking support.

London Black Women’s Project - 020 8472 0528, info@lbwp.online provide support and refuge services for women needing to escape from violent situations including women who are fearful they may be forced into marriage. They also have a resource centre with services including legal advice, counselling, support groups and information.

Asha Projects is a South Asian organisation that works to end violence against women and girls, including forced marriage.
They provide con dential advice and information and they also have access to secure, temporary accommodation. http://www.ashaprojects.org.uk/contact-us
Advice Line: 208 696 0023

Karma Nirvana is an organisation for Asian men and women which provides a forced marriage helpline sta ed by people who have escaped forced marriage and ‘honour’ based violence.
Helpline: 0800 5999 247

Muslim Youth Helpline provides faith and culturally sensitive support services to Muslim youth in the UK. They have a free and con dential helpline service run by young Muslim volunteers, and an online support service called muslimyouth.net. They also o er an outreach service across Greater London.
Helpline: 0808 808 2008

The Ann Craft Trust
0115 951 5400
The Ann Craft Trust o ers advice to professionals, parents, carers and family members on issues relating to the protection of vulnerable children and adults. You can contact them about general issues but they are also happy to give advice about speci c cases. If they are unable to answer your question, they will try to nd you the most appropriate person to talk to about your concerns. If you have been abused and would like to talk to someone contact the Respond Helpline on 0808 808 0700.

The Asian Family Counselling Service
020 85713933
This is a national service o ering counselling on marital and family issues for Asian men and women. The national helpline is open from 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday. Telephone counselling is also available.

Iranian and Kurdish Women’s Rights Organisation
0207 490 0303 (9.30-5.00) or 07862 733511 (24hrs)
IKWRO provides advice, support, advocacy and referral in Arabic, Kurdish, Turkish, Dari and Farsi to women, girls and couples living in Britain, in particular helping women facing domestic violence, forced marriage and ‘honour’-based violence. Their mission is to protect Middle Eastern women at risk of ‘honour’ killings, domestic violence, forced marriages and female genital mutilation, and to support them in upholding their right to live without fear or oppression.

Southall Black Sisters
020 8571 9595
This is a resource centre o ering information, advice, advocacy, practical help, counselling, and support to black and minority women experiencing domestic abuse. Southall Black Sisters specialise in forced marriage particularly in relation to South Asian women. The o ce is open weekdays (except Wednesday) 10.00 – 12.30 and 13.30 –16.00.

Men’s Advice Line
0808 801 0327
This service provides a freephone con dential helpline for all men experiencing domestic violence by a current or ex-partner. This includes all men – in heterosexual or same-sex relationships. The service gives men the chance to talk about what is happening to them and provides them with emotional support and practical advice. The advice line also has information about specialist services that can provide advice on legal, housing, child contact, mental health and other issues,
The helpline is open Monday to Friday 10am – 1pm and 2pm –5pm. You can also email us: info@mensadviceline.org.uk

Child Line
0800 1111
This service is for any child or young person with a problem.

0808 800 5000 (helpline) 0800 056 0566 (text phone)
This free, 24-hour helpline provides information, advice and counselling to anyone concerned about a child at risk of abuse.

Reunite International Child Abduction Centre
0116 2556234 (advice line)
Reunite is the leading charity specialising in international parental child abduction. It operates a 24- hour advice line providing advice, support and information to parents, family members and guardians who have had a child abducted or who fear abduction. reunite also supports and informs parents who have abducted their children and assists with international contact issues. reunite’s advice is impartial and con dential to one or both parties involved in an international parental child abduction case. Reunite also provides information and support on the issue of forced marriage.

Gatwick Travel Care
01293 504283
This service ensures that young people are able to leave the airport and arrive at their destination safely and without delay. Victims of forced marriage may require assistance when they arrive at Gatwick and Travel Care can be contacted for advice. The service is available from 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday and 9am to 4pm Saturday, Sunday and Bank Holidays.

Heathrow Travel Care
020 8745 7495
This service ensures that young people are able to leave the airport and arrive at their destination safely and without delay. Victims of forced marriage may require assistance when they arrive at Heathrow and Travel Care can be contacted for advice. The service is available from 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday.

If you live outside of the UK

If you are at immediate risk, please contact your local emergency services. Check out the links below for more information:







New Zealand


Southeast Asia

India: https://preventforcedmarriage.org/forced-marriage-overseas-india/
Bangladesh: https://preventforcedmarriage.org/forced-marriage-overseas-bangladesh/
Pakistan: https://preventforcedmarriage.org/forced-marriage-overseas-pakistan/
Afghanistan: https://preventforcedmarriage.org/forced-marriage-overseas-afghanistan/
Nepal: https://preventforcedmarriage.org/forced-marriage-overseas-nepal/
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